British Summer Time starts 29 Mar 2015 - early warning

20 Jan

An early reminder that British Summer Time (or Daylight Saving Time as it now appears to be called - perhaps a commentary on our weather!) starts at 1.00am Sunday 29 March 2015 when 1.00am immediately becomes 2.00am. You are at possible risk of loss of an hour's trade. If you are proposing and are able to trade beyond 1.00am, you need to be aware and have the position covered off either in your premises licence or have given a Temporary Event Notice in respect of the same.

For a standard notice TEN, 10 working days' notice is required - so the TEN needs to be submitted - if it has not already - and be received by the Council by 13 March (for a 'Late TEN', if you can get away with it, this is 20 March). If you need any assistance, please contact us.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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